Pushing Back the Darkness!

   We are so grateful for all of you who have joined us in the fight to remedy what we believe is the greatest injustice that our world faces—a lack of access to the Good News of Jesus Christ. God is moving in mighty ways around the globe and continues to use M3 Global and our ministry partners to push back the darkness with His marvelous Light. As you will see below, East Africa, West Africa, and Iraq are just a few places where we’ll be working over the next few months to help make disciples and plant churches in His kingdom. As you read, please be in prayer for the frontline workers in each location. Thank you again for partnering with us!

For His Global Glory!
Equipping Leaders in Ethiopia

Professing evangelical Christians in Ethiopia make up approximately 18% of the country’s total population. That’s about 23 million believers who God has positioned there to combat the onslaught of Islamic and ethnic religions that Christians and churches are now facing.

   In March, M3 Global provided more training in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Seventeen church leaders received training and encouragement to continue in their efforts to multiply disciples and churches in this region. With a focus on what it means to make true disciples in God’s kingdom, attention was given to biblical principles of multiplication and methods for implementing effective discipleship and church planting.
Please pray for the Ethiopian church and its leaders as they work to broaden and deepen the knowledge, faith, and obedience of every believer so that the every disciple and every church may be the light and salt that God has called them to be in this region.
Meeting Needs in Iraq

It has been almost a decade now since ISIS swept through northern Iraq murdering and terrorizing all who lived in this region. Since then, the spiritual, emotional, and material needs of people have only increased, particularly with the ongoing flow of refugees fleeing conflict and persecution occurring in surrounding countries.

      This month, Roddy will be traveling to northern Iraq to spend time with our ministry partner—Impact Middle East (IME). For many years IME has been faithfully serving those who live with the consequences of war in this region, in cities like Erbil, Dohuk, and Zakho. M3 Global will assist IME frontline workers in their efforts to train and support to local churches and leaders working in these cities and neighboring refugee camps.
Please keep IME and these local workers in your prayers. We look forward to sharing impact stories with you from this region in upcoming newsletters.
Pushing Back the Darkness in West Africa

While poverty, food insecurity, and a lack of adequate medical care are major issues in many West African countries, increasing Christian persecution is also a major concern in this region. More disciples and churches are needed to push back the spiritual darkness threatening to overtake this region.

 In early May, Roddy will join a team from 121 Community Church in Grapevine, Texas to travel to Accra, Ghana to partner with Pioneers—Africa in providing training and encouragement to church planters working in Ghana and its surrounding countries.
Please pray not only for these frontline workers but for all of our brothers and sisters in West Africa who live under severe persecution. Pray for their strength and courage, as well as the resources needed to send more workers into the fields that are ripe for harvest (John 4:35).
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil, or fade– 1 Peter 1:3
Heavenly Father, our hearts are full of gratitude and joy as we rejoice in the resurrection of your Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. While we are reminded of the glorious victory over sin and death that He accomplished on the cross, we know Father that, through Jesus, you have giving us opportunity and power to live in your kingdom today. Thank you for the promise and hope of your blessed kingdom now and forever. Father, continue to fill our hearts with the joy of the resurrection and help us experience daily the transformative power of your love. May we live as grateful heirs of your kingdom reflecting your grace and compassion in a lost and broken world as your will is done here on earth just as it is in heaven. Amen.

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