With this vision and purpose in mind, M3 partners recently gathered for our Annual Kingdom Builders Event in Grapevine, Texas. It was a wonderful time of food and fellowship as encouraging stories were shared of ways God is moving in North Africa and the Middle East. It was also an opportunity for partners to hear specific ways their kingdom investment through M3 Global is being used to reclaim the unreached nations in Jesus’ name. The challenge presented was that every unreached nation (i.e., people group), deserves an opportunity to hear the Good News of Jesus and that each of us as His disciples have been entrusted to help deliver this life-saving message to them.
During the Event, I had the great joy of announcing that $212,578 had already been raised toward our $300,000 year-end giving goal. Currently, we are at $223,378, or 74% of our goal. And as noted above, a generous partner has pledged a $50,000 matching gift for every donation made in December. What a wonderful opportunity to see the greater multiplication of disciples, churches, and leaders until there is no unreached place left to go with the gospel!
As we begin this season of Advent, we are so very blessed and thankful for those of you who have chosen to partner with us in this great endeavor! For those of you who have not joined us yet, we simply ask that you prayerfully consider it. We firmly believe that our Sovereign King Jesus who spoke the universe into existence and who is the rightful ruler of all nations, is more than willing and capable of doing great and mighty things with every portion of time, talent, and treasure that is offered up to Him. And for every portion given, we will give Him praise and honor for it!For His Global Glory!