Christian vs Non-Christian Giving

      Several years ago, the George Barna Group did a study exploring the reasons people give to charitable organizations. Not surprisingly, those who identified as “practicing Christians” were in the highest percentage of givers. But perhaps what was most interesting had to do with the motivation behind their giving.

For givers in general, the nature of the request mattered. Some give primarily because of the work (6%) or the person (8%) who asks them to, or the reason (11%) or way (7%) they are asked. But 77% of practicing Christians surveyed said the primary reason they give is because of who they are—i.e., “their giving is elemental to their identity and personhood.” “Christians,” according to Barna, “stand out on this one point: their belief that giving is a response to Christ’s love.”

     The joy of giving to God’s kingdom work is real. It is, in fact, a fruit of the Spirt that comes naturally when we give. But for Christ-followers, it is Christ’s love that compels us to give in the first place! Our compassionate love for and service to others flows out of our deep gratitude for what Christ has done on our behalf. His life, death, and resurrection has opened the door to eternal living with God in His Kingdom—now and forever—for anyone who would believe. Now that’s a reason to be joyful!

      This month kicks off M3’s annual giving campaign. It is our effort to raise the funds necessary to do what God is calling us to accomplish in 2025. The highlight of the campaign is our annual Kingdom Builders Event, a wonderful evening of fun, food, fellowship, and celebration. I really hope you can join us! You will be encouraged and inspired by what God is doing in the world. But if you are unable to attend, please consider donating to the campaign through the secured GIVE page on the M3 website. Let’s allow Christ’s love to flow through us to the lost and broken who have never had an opportunity to hear His Good News! Together, we make a difference in HIs Kingdom!

For His Global Glory!

Celebrate with us at our ANNUAL KINGDOM BUILDERS EVENT